a. Summary of proposed Sabbatical Leave project:

      Create a digital manipulative with Java -- perhaps something similar to Reimann Boxes (now run on Geometer's Sketchpad) or the movable cumulative probability distribution (now run on both Geometer's Sketchpad and Excel) or Napier's bones (now run on Excel) and in preparation of that, learn to read & write Java Script.

b. Summary of contributions of your proposed Sabbatical Leave project to your professional growth:

      As an undergraduate I took Fortran. As a full time high school teacher, I edited, with Hughs & Silvey NCTM's Mathematics & Humor, a best-seller sold world-wide, and agreed to adjunct at Middlesex because they really needed the help. The only course I remember teaching was something called "Algebra & BASIC," I think. I was then invited to leave my tenure-tract full time hs teaching job and become tenure-track at Middlesex.

      While a high school teacher I completed course work at Teacher's College, Columbia Univerity in the use of calculators which were brand new tools at the time. Though I could not afford the Teacher's College tuition (MCC would not pay my tuition because "there was not enough math in the courses"), MCC had no problem with using my expertise to introduce the use of the graphing calculator to MCC (giving up the use of a textbook so students didn’t need to purchase both book & calculator).

      I continued the study of calculator use through NSF grants.

      I continued the study and use of other programming languages in addition to Fortran. These include BASIC, TI57-58, TI81, HP28SX (reverse Polish notation), html, Pascal, and Visual Basic, and Internet Applications-HTML/CGI. I have also created (see under proficiency) material on and in Word Press for AMTNJ, and with Excel (for spreadsheets and digital manipulatives see: Digital Manipulatives, A Guided Tour of The Spreadsheet stat.xls, and A Video about the HYPOTHESIS TESTS pdf file) and more recently with Geometer's Sketchpad for my course load teaching Calculus I and Precalculus.

      In 1987, also for Middlesex for a math-ESL grant, I wrote the dictionary MATH SPOKEN HERE!. See: In 1/2023, I added the latest word, absement. The video Absement and 'nth Derivatives of Displacement' Presented Dynamically & Analytically gives one a good example of Sketchpad in calculus.

      A past-president of two state math organizations, AMTNJ and MATYCNJ (twice), I also presented at their national affiliate meetings and also the MAA national meetings, including in 8/91, MAA-SIAM-AMS, "Making Mathematics More Concrete: Manipulatives MINICOURSE," in 8/90, MAA-SIAM-AMS, "Writing to Learn Mathematics MINICOURSE," and in 10/89, AMATYC, "Writing to Learn Mathematics MINICOURSE."

      On page, in 1998 (based on earlier work), in "The Languages of the Math Classroom," I use the phrase "VERBAL, WRITTEN, PICTORIAL, CONCRETE and The Mother Tongue" and more recently added the phrase "VERBAL / Auditory WRITTEN / Symbolic PICTORIAL / Visual CONCRETE / Kinesthetic" now used by the profession. See on 10/28/2023, in "Arc Functions Through Auditory, Symbolic, Visual, and Kinesthetic Modalities."

      On page, Middlesex claims "Graduates of the program will be able to: ...
Develop a convincing mathematical argument using four perspectives:

  • Numerical,
  • Symbolic, conventional algebra,
  • Graphic, with and without technology, and
  • Using expository writing. ..."
Use appropriate technology to enhance their mathematical thinking or understanding, ..."

      Somebody's copied and pasted pieces of the phrase "Auditorily, Symbolicly, Analytically, and Kinestheticly."

      Notice they've neglected kinestheticly.

      I not only believe in these languages, "VERBAL, WRITTEN, PICTORIAL, CONCRETE and The Mother Tongue", I teach (see INTERPRETATION under "Levels of Proficiency") in multiple languages, including the kenisthetic!

      Because I have continued to grow professionally, I recognize how much more growth is desired. I am not proficient in Word or PowerPoint. I do not believe I need profiency in either because I am proficient in WordPerfect and html. My skills in Correll Paint are good and regular use makes those skills improve steadily. I am very poor in Desmos and not knowledgeable in the newer TI languages. I do not think I need those skills either. I am poor in video editing, but, improving. Sketch Pad is now free to all. Desmos is also free but Desmos requires registration. Neither of these are ideal for phones, and, my students sometimes only receive the course by phone. Many do not even have a graphing calculator.

      What I need is proficiency in Java Script to make the digital manipulatives and Sketch Pad things I've created work on an internet page without the use of special software like Desmos and Sketch Pad. Desmos, as I have examined it is really like a souped up graphing tool. Sketch Pad is more a tool for creating. Each have potential for students to create material of their own and to "Using expository writing. ... Use appropriate technology to enhance their mathematical thinking or understanding," but each requires that platform. Java in an html web page would obviate those platforms. But, before I can create those pages, I have to learn the language.

      In 1997, Prof. Elaine Klett, retired chair of the Brookdale Community College mathematics department wrote, "I greatly admire the energy that Aggie brings to her professional life. To be a great teacher one must be constantly learning and that is what Aggie loves to do - learn and teach." This sabbatical would permit me to do just that, "learn and teach."

c. Summary of benefits of your proposed Sabbatical Leave project to the students and the College:

[MC,i. Home, site home page] [Good Stuff -- free & valuable resources] [tutorials & resource material arranged by topic [this semester's schedule w/links] [master list of all MSH! dictionary words] math ed stuff
spread sheet notes
    Languages of the Math Classroom
    Free Geometer's Sketchpad!
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