Calc Questionbook - Directions
    © '03, A. Azzolino

| Handing In Your Work | Answering Corrected Questions | How An Answer Is Graded |
| Grades for the Entire Questionbook | Quizzes | Project|


Handing In Your Work

To submit questions for grading,
1st: Place work to be graded with the coversheet.
2nd: Place the coversheet on top.
3rd: Fasten the answer sheets to the coversheet with
        the paper clip on the TOP of the papers.
4th: Place the package in the designated location.
5th: Write the date on the coversheet.

Answering and Correcting Answers to Questions

   Until the final due date ____________, questions may be handed in repeatedly. No credit is given for incomplete or incorrect answers after the final due dates. It is strongly suggested that once assigned, a question is answered immediately and handed in for grading. It is possible for the grading of a question to take in excess of 2 weeks.


How An Answer Is Graded

    If your work has been graded, it will have the paper clip on the side of the package.

    Possible grades on each question are:

	C .....	OK - for CORRECT, full credit, DONE.  Store in a safe 
		place till the final date for submission.  All questions 
		are to be handed in at that time.
	I .....	INCOMPLETE - something's missing or incompletely answered.  
		Put all corrections on the ORIGINAL SHEET. Add to your 
		answer.  Do not erase your original work, just draw 
		a line through it so it may still be read. 
	Q .....	QUESTION IS MISSING - Write the question or this answer, 
		even if correct, will not be considered correct.
	R .....	Redo - something's wrong and needs correction.  Put all 
		corrections on the ORIGINAL SHEET.  Do not erase your 
		original work, just draw a line through incorrect work 
		so it may still be read.  Knowing what you did wrong 
		is important.
	S .....	Source is needed. Please indicate the source of material.

Grades for the Questionbook and Project

    These are probably the range of scores for the questionbook:

	A - completed more than 1 standard deviation above the mean number 
		of questions completed by the entire class.
	B - completed between 1 and 1/4 standard deviations above the mean 
		number of questions completed by the entire class.
	C - completed within 1/4 standard deviation of the mean number of 
		questions completed by the entire class.
	D - completed between 1/4 and 1 standard deviations below the mean 
		number of questions completed by the entire class.
	F - completed fewer than 1 standard deviation below the mean number 
		of questions completed by the entire class.


    Quizzes cover important topics within a chapter, help to highlight skills necessary for tests, and fit on one sheet of paper. To receive credit for a quiz, you must hand in a perfect paper.
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