Practice with 1/4 inch by Joan Rizzuto © 2001
The resulting figure is 4 inches wide.
Start at the starting point and create a continuous path.
1. to the left 1"
2. down 1 1/2"
3. to the left 1"
4. down 1/4"
5. left 1/2"
6. down 1/2"
7. left 3/4"
8. up 1/2"
9. left 1/2"
10. up 1 1/4"
11. right 1/2"
12. up 1/4"
  · <-- Start here.
13. left 1/4"
14. up 3/4"
15. left 1/2"
16. up 3/4"
17. right 3/4"
18. down 1/2"
19. right 3/4"
20. up 1/2"
21. right 3/4"
22. down 3/4"
23. left 1/2"
24. down 3/4"
25. left 1/4"
26. down 1/4"
27. right 1/2"
28. down 1"

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