IN MATH: 1. n. a number raised to a fractional power (symbol , here printed with some of the inclusion bar); a root. EX. "" is read as "radical three x" or "the square root of three times x" or "the square root of the product of three and x."

Type the argument then press button to simplify.
  • Do not use fraction representation.
  • Please approximate the fractions with a decimal.
  • Use positive arguments for the even roots -- square root, fourth root, sixth root, ...
  • THIS PART OF THIS PAGE can only take positive arguments for the odd roots -- cube root, fifth root -- even though they are defined for negative numbers as well. USE THE X-TO-THE-Y BUTTON BELOW!
To take the square root of a number, 2 (n), raise the number to the 1/2 or .5 power.
To take the cube root of a number, 3 (n), raise the number to the 1/3 or .333333... power.
To take the fourth root of a number, 4 (n), raise the number to the 1/4 or .25 power.
To take the fifth root of a number, 5 (n), raise the number to the 1/5 or .2 power.
For other roots, use the x-to-the-y function, xy
  • Do not use fraction representation.
  • Please approximate the fractions with a decimal.
  • Enter a negative without a space:  Write negative two as "-2", not "- 2."

IN ENGLISH: 1. adj. strongly different; extreme. EX. Wearing a Mohawk is considered radical by some.

APPLICATION: See list 270.

This is a page from the dictionary MATH SPOKEN HERE!, published in 1995 by MATHEMATICAL CONCEPTS, inc., ISBN: 0-9623593-5-1.   You are hereby granted permission to make ONE printed copy of this page and its picture(s) for your PERSONAL and not-for-profit use.

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