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      How Big Is A Million, Billion, Trillion, ... ?

      This page attempts to answer the question in 3 ways:

Other Names for A Number

      Consider these examples.

2 thousand is 2,000
is 2 thousand
= 2 x 103
2 million is 2,000,000
is 2 thousand thousands = 2 x 103 x 103
= 2 x 106
2 billion is 2,000,000,000
is 2 thousand, thousand, thousands = 2 x 103 x 103 x 103
= 2 x 109
is 2 million thousands
= 2 x 106 x 103
= is 2 x 109
2 trillion is 2,000,000,000,000
is 2 thousand thousand thousand thousand
= 2 x 103 x 103 x 103 x 103
= 2 x 1012
is 2 billion thousands
= 2 x 109 x 103
= 2 x 1012
is 2 million, millions
is 2 x 106 x 106
= 2 x 1012
2 quadrillion is 2,000,000,000,000,000
is 2 thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand
= 2 x 103 x 103 x 103 x 103 x 103
= 2 x 1015
is 2 million million thousands
= 2 x 106 106 x 103
= 2 x 1015
is 2 million billions
= 2 x 106 x 109
= 2 x 1015
2 quintillion is 2,000,000,000,000,000,000
is 2 thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand
= 2 x 103 x 103 x 103 x 103 x 103 x 103
= 2 x 1018
is 2 trillion million
is 2 million million millions
is 2 billion billions
= 2 x 1018

How Many Seconds Have You Lived

      Each day has 24 hours. Each hour has 60 minutes. Each minute has 60 seconds. Each day has 24 x 60 x 60 seconds or 86400 seconds.

      Each year has 365.24 days. Each day has 86400 seconds. Each year has 31557600 seconds or about 3.2 x 107 seconds.

1 year is about 3.2 x 107 seconds
2 years is about 6.3 x 107 seconds
3 years is about 9.5 x 107 seconds
4 years is about 1.3 x 108 seconds
5 years is about 1.6 x 108 seconds
6 years is about 1.9 x 108 seconds
7 years is about 2.2 x 108 seconds
8 years is about 2.5 x 108 seconds
9 years is about 2.8 x 108 seconds
10 years is about 3.2 x 108 seconds
11 years is about 3.5 x 108 seconds
12 years is about 3.8 x 108 seconds
13 years is about 4.1 x 108 seconds
years is seconds
20 years is about 6.3 x 108 seconds
30 years is about 9.5 x 108 seconds
40 years is about 1.3 x 109 seconds
50 years is about 1.6 x 109 seconds
100 years is about 3.2 x 109 seconds
1,000 years is about 3.2 x 1010 seconds
1,000,000 years is about 3.2 x 1013 seconds
1,000,000,000 years is about 3.2 x 1016 seconds
1,000,000,000,000 years is about 3.2 x 1019 seconds

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