Write the code and the algebraic expression, statement, or equation for each. 1. an integer 2. the product of the sum of a number and two and the difference between the number and two 3. one-fourth of the product of 8 and a number 4. the value, in pennies, of some nickels 5. the value, in pennies, of some dimes 6. the total value of some nickels and dimes when there are two more nickels than dimes 7. some more than five 8. five more than some number 9. Five is more than some number. 10. Five more than some number is two. 11. the value of some quarters and dimes if there are six fewer dimes than quarters 12. the total value of some nickels and dimes when there are six less nickels than dimes 13. the total value of nickels and dimes when there are twice as many dimes as nickels 14. the interest earned on $1000 invested at 9% interest per year 15. the interest earned on an investment made at 12% interest per year 16. a number decreased by another number 17. the value of 5 of one item and 8 of a different item 18. the value of some of an item costing 5 dollars and a number of an item costing 8 dollars 19. an odd integer 20. the sum of an odd integer and the next consecutive odd integer 21. the sum of double an odd integer and six less than the next consecutive odd integer 22. one half of the sum of a number and two 23. the sum of an integer and the next odd consecutive integer, and the next consecutive odd integer after that 24. the total area if three rectangles are involved and their dimensions are 6 and a number, 4 and the same number, and 2 and a different number 25. the remaining area if a triangle with a base of 4 and a height of a specific length is removed from a 200 square unit rectangle ===== © September 29, 2003, A. Azzolino www.mathnstuff.com/math/algebra/write21.txt